Nuclear Magnetic Resonance facility

ISTA’s NMR facility hosts latest-generation equipment for structural biology and chemistry research.

Solution-state NMR machines with cryogenically cooled probes at 600 and 800 MHz (1H Larmor frequency) provide highest sensitivity to study soluble biomolecular assemblies.

Magic-angle-spinning NMR is ideal for studying insoluble proteins, such as membrane proteins or very large assemblies. ISTA’s equipment (600, 700, 800 Hz) includes a range of probes for magic-angle spinning up to 111 kHz and 1H-detection (0.7 mm, 1.3 mm, 1.9 mm), while larger-volume probes are ideal for 13C-detected NMR applications.

Active in NMR methods development, research groups at ISTA and SSU staff push the frontiers of NMR applications for biomolecular structure and dynamics studies.

Find more information about the NMR facility here.